Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Experience 17- Indian Wedding!

This past weekend one of my really good friends got married in Florida.  Hubby and I took a short roadtrip for the special event.  I have been to an Indian wedding before, but we showed up late (and I wasn't officially invited and went with a friend who took me along) and I didn't see much.

We made sure to arrive early since we had no idea where we were going and it was in the middle of the country! (Lange Farm in Dade City if anyone wants to look it up).  I was surprised to see that the ceremony was going to take place outside next to a bunch of horses! And yes, you could hear them during the ceremony which was BEAUTIFUL but very long.  My butt hurt so much sitting in those chairs for an hour and a half!  Take a look at the bride, Gita, isn't she beautiful?!
After the ceremony we enjoyed some wine and INDIAN FOOD-- my favorite.  Hubby was disappointed that it was completely vegetarian! (I enjoyed it :)


  1. I've never been to an Indian wedding but obsessed with Indian culture and traditions. Hopefully one day I'll get a chance to attend one.

    Happy beginning of the week!

  2. Indian food is awesome. I WANT SOME NOW!!

    I am having a Free People give-away on my blog if you're interested.
    strawberry freckleface
